
To: Journey North
From: Sandra Garcia Peregrina

Warm Greetings,

The Migration in the Yucatan
This year the bird migration started very early, mostly by July and early August, we could observe along the coast many migratory species, mainly Warblers, such as Kentucky Warbler, which only spend a little while at the coast after which it travels to the forests of southern Yucatan. Other species like Hooded Warbler, Ovenbird, Yellow-rumped Warbler, American Redstart, Black and white Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat and some others we can find relatively easy at the low forests, mangrove forests, savannas and coastal dunes.

The most common migratory species are Yellow Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Least Flycatcher, that can be observed even in the city. The Ruby-throated Hummingbird was registered at the coast on the month of September, however by now it has travelled south.

The aquatic birds represent a high percentage of the migration, around 75% of the 190 migratory species that arrive each winter belong to aquatic environments. Large groups of American White Pelicans have been observed in the coastal wetlands, they can be observed flying by night towards the south coasts. On the beach we can observe Killdeer, Snowy Plover, Greater Yellowlegs and Royal Tern, among others. We are being visited by many Herons like Snowy Egret and Great Blue Heron. Waterfowl arrive in very large groups to Yucatan's wetlands, now we can see Mallard, Blue-winged Teal, Masked Duck, and Northern Pintail.

Sandra Garcia Peregrina
Coordinadora Educacion Ambiental
Pronatura Peninsula de Yucatan

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