Monarch Butterfly Tulips
Today's News Report Your Sightings Teacher's Manual Search Journey North

Comments from Observers in Texas and Oklahoma

10/06/98 Perry, OK (36.29 N, -97.29W)
"Today in Perry, OK, we sighted several monarchs around the elementary school. At 7 p.m. a second grade teacher, Beverly Wornom, sighted hundreds of monarchs roosting in a tree at her farm. They should stay around for a couple of days longer and then continue their journey south." (

10/06/98 Ft.Worth, TX (32.85N, -97.29W)
"Until today, we had seen hardly any monarchs. We saw 13 Monarchs flying overhead in our front yard in a short time period. It was late afternoon, about 6:30pm." (

10/06/98 Georgetown, TX (30.61 N, -97.66W)
"We are very much aware of the recent weather change due to the strong front. Temperatures dropped, rain fell, and we are seeing more Monarchs. Students are reporting Monarchs on trees in their yards when the wind was blowing hard. Individual Monarchs look bright and colorful; none have been spotted with tattered wings. In the past few weeks, we had only seen a few on the playground at school. Now there are more, but not dramatic numbers as reported elsewhere to the north. "

10/07/98 Stinnett, TX (35.90N, -101.38W)
"The fifth graders at West Texas Elementary at Stinnett, Texas are so excited about watching for butterflies. They have reported seeing 3-8 in a group this past week and today they spotted them in groups of 15 or more. They estimated seeing hundreds. The weather has turned cool and the wind has been out of the north very favorable for migration. They found several in the grass that seemed to be dead or dying."

10/07/98 Dumas, TX (35.80 N, -101.95W)
"They're here! The Monarchs began arriving here in western Moore county on about Oct.2nd. We were noticing about 15 to 20 per hour as they arrived 2 days after a cool weather front. The numbers have jumped dramatically the past three days. On Monday, we noticed larger numbers of Monarchs gathering in the trees. 10/5 there were two groups of approximately 50 in our backyard trees. Tuesday we counted over 100 flying south per hour, with several hundred taking shelter here in the evening. Wednesday, we counted more than 200 per hour. There are now over 1,000 in our rows of Elm, Juniper, cedar, locus, mulberry, and Austrees." (

10/07/98 Grapevine, TX (32.93 N, -32.93 W)
"On my way to work about 9 miles travel time between Grapevine and Southlake at 8:50 a.m. on Wednesday October 7th, I observed at least 24 monarchs flying south. This area is well noted for the concentration of monarchs during the annual migration at this time of year. It seems likely that these butterflies were just starting their daily flight after resting overnight. The temperature was quite cool for this time of year. The butterflies were likely waiting to warm up in the sun." (

10/07/98 Austin, TX (30.23 N, -97.71 W)
"What a difference a day made in Austin!! I was totally amazed at the amount of sightings. I took a drive around the city (E,W,N & S) this afternoon about 2:00. In all regions, I saw several hundred. (Too many to count.) A far cry from my 2 sightings yesterday. It appeared the Monarchs were generally headed Southeast in direction as the wind was from the Northwest. It appear they are flying at an elevation of 5 to 30 ft. above ground in general. The temp. was in the high 80's ( for a great change ) and the winds were about 10-15 mph. with Blue Bird skies." (

10/07/98 Azle, TX (32.90N, -97.54W)
"We have observed one or two monarchs/day until this evening when about 20-30 appeared. They seemed to be settling into our trees to roost for the night. The weather today is what we call "monarch weather." The temperature at the time of the siting was about 65 degrees, the air is dry and clear.
Carolyn Love (

10/07/98 Richland Hills, TX (32.79N, -97.19W)
"In the 20 minutes I drove home from NE Tarrant county in Texas to south of down town Fort Worth, I counted about 20 monarchs. They were plentiful at home also. I was seeing about 10 every time I went outside for about 5 minutes. This was between the hours of 5 and 6:30." Sandra Hines (

10/07/98 Richardson, TX (32.97 N, -96.74W)
"Richardson, Texas reporting 97 Monarch migrating across area from 8:30a.m. till 12.00 10/7/98 . Most were flying south to southwest - a few stragglers going in the opposite direction." (

10/08/98 Rogers, TX (30.96 N, -97.22 W)
"We have been anxiously waiting and it finally happened. Today my students saw a monarch flying around the trees in our school garden. Later, when I was visiting my mother in a small community 10 miles north of Rogers (Zabcikville). I had an amazing experience! It was around 6:00pm. I counted 53 monarchs in 2 minutes. I'm sure that their had to be thousands of them flying over."

10/08/98 Wichita Falls, TX (33.95 N, -98.45 W)
"Every October we see the invasion of the monarch butterfly's! They have arrived in abundance here in Wichita Falls Texas! We are seeing more butterfly's than birds at the moment! These beautiful butterfly's are filling the skies and fields! What a wonder of nature to see!"

10/08/98 Fort Worth, TX (32.74 N, -97.38 W)
"Today at 9:00 A.M. in Fort Worth, Tex. I saw the first Monarch. It was 70 degrees and the sky was clear. It was flying overhead and did not land. Usually every year we see thousands around the 2nd of October on. This is directly on their way to Mexico. This is the 8th of October. The weather here has been hot till 3 days ago. I hope to see many more." D Haynes (

10/08/98 Denton, TX (33.22N, -97.12W)

"Cold front came in on Tues. with temps in the 70's. The numbers of monarchs have been building up to the 100's." (

10/09/98 Buda, TX (30.06 N, -97.89W)

"Our 5th period ESL class went outside today and counted Monarchs flying through the campus. During the 50 minute class period, 5 of us counted 4,774 butterflies. They are everywhere! It's impossible to count all of them. Our school is about 15 miles south of Austin and is in a rural area. On Monday, another teacher reported to me that she had seen about 500 between Austin and San Marcos(26 miles) and on Tuesday, I saw twice that many in the same distance. The students doing the counting today was Adriana Martinez, Alejandro Chavez, Sonia Saavedra, and Imelda Rosales."

10/11/98 Brenham, TX
"Mrs. M's PM Class saw 49 monarchs this weekend (Oct. 11th & 12th). We saw these monarchs in herb gardens, in fields, pastures, deer leases, in trees, flower gardens, front yards, front bumper of truck, and in the air flying." (

10/12/98 Austin, TX (30.23 N, -97.71W)
"The Monarchs are migrating all along a path from Dallas to Austin by the hundreds. I made a round trip drive along I35 to Dallas & back, and saw hundreds of them migrating across the highway, in the towns and cities, and in the middle of Dallas, even!"

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Today's News Report Your Sightings Teacher's Manual Search Journey North