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Journey North International Tulip Study
Ordering Information for Red Emperor Tulip Bulbs

European Residents

All gardens must be planted with Red Emperor tulip bulbs. This is a scientific experiment, so all Journey North gardens must be planted with the same variety. Purchase bulbs in your own community, or contact the supplier "Fleurtiek Amsterdam B.V." and tell them you're planting a Journey North garden.

Order Red Emperor tulips, size 12+ cm
Price per 100: Dfl. 50 (50 Dutch Guilder), plus delivery costs.

How to Order

By Phone: +31 20 6592101
By Fax: +31 20 6599083

The operator will need the following information:

Contact Name
Billing Address:
Shipping Address:
Quantity of bulbs requesting
Credit Card # and Expiration Date
P.O. #
(Mail or FAX the necessary paperwork Fleurtiek Amsterdam B.V
. )

For More Information Contact:
Fleurtiek Amsterdam B.V.
c/o Wattstraat 22
1171 BR Badhoevedorp
The Netherlands

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