Symbolic Migration Update: October 23, 2002 Today's Report Includes:
Ooooh! Aaaah! "Oh, that's so pretty!", "Look at this one--it's so beautiful!", "That's so Cool!", "This one even shows the friendship and goodwill of all three countries!" This is a soundbyte of what the Journey North office has sounded like for the last week as we opened all of your envelopes of beautiful butterflies. Take a look at some of what we've been seeing:
Butterflies Now Staging in Minnesota
Since the deadline a few weeks ago, the Journey North staff and volunteers have been taking on the enormous task of processing the big beautiful butterfly cargo, in preparation for the rest of its migration to Mexico. We check to see if all of the necessary information is on your return envelope which helps provide the best chance of a safe return of butterflies back to you (and it keeps Beth very happy too). But before your Butterflies are tucked into their boxes for the final leg of their fall journey, we've paused to take LOTS of pictures. Take a look!
Symbolic Migration Art Gallery Now Open Journey North's premiere art curator Mary Hosier is busy displaying many of your butterflies in the Symbolic Migration Art Gallery. We think you'll love visiting this special exhibition of your fine artwork! And even though we couldn't display all of the thousands and thousands of butterflies in the Gallery, we consider all of your work masterpieces! Tour the Gallery, see if you can find YOUR Butterfly, and discover more too:
Very Special Deliveries
These are just a few examples of the generosity that so many of you have shown. More heartfelt thanks will come later, but on behalf of the MBSF, the monarchs, and the future generations that we hope will witness the miracle of migration, THANK YOU ALL!
Try This! Are You an Ambassador for Your Country? Symbolic monarchs that we exchange are ambassadors that carry messages between northern students and students in Mexico, where the monarchs overwinter. The symbolic monarch you made represents you and expresses your interest, friendship, and appreciation for the role the Mexican people play in monarch conservation. As you follow the migrations of real and symbolic butterflies this year, plan to look for similarities and differences between the migrations. Keep a list of comparisons all year in your Journal and watch it grow. If you haven't already done so, here are some questions to consider and some lessons to try. Journaling Questions:
Symbolic Migration Lessons:
Butterflies Fly Free, Thanks to UPS For the 6th year in a row, all of your butterflies--thousands and thousands of them--will be migrating to Mexico, all thanks to UPS (United Parcel Service)! Their generosity, year after year, is an important part of this successful Symbolic Migration. We hope you'll take the time to send them a thank you note for their support--they'd love to hear from you! Please send your thanks to: Mark your Calendars! Here's What's in Store for Your Symbolic Butterflies Watch for these updates over the next few weeks and get your terminals warmed up because here's what we're planning: COMING NOVEMBER 5th:
The Next Symbolic Migration Update Will Be Posted on November 5, 2002.
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