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Journey South News will be posted on Fridays:
Sept. 13, Oct. 11, Nov. 8, Dec. 6, Jan. 10

Journey South News

  • Tulip Garden Update: September 13, 2002
    Plant your tulips now to be the first to proclaim spring 2003’s arrival when they emerge! Locate Dainville, France and predict which of the Koch’s tulips will bloom first- in France or back home in Illinois. Look at lots of fun lessons for getting to know your bulbs and if you have extra bulbs, try some experiments. Create a Native Plant Field Guide just for your neighborhood. And sneak a data probe into the tulip bed for temperature read-outs all season.
  • Tulip Garden Update: October 11, 2002
    Get out your spades and dig in to join the International Plant Study! The word is out and the first Journey North gardens have been planted. Studying geography takes on new meaning when you make predictions about your gardens and how they will compare to emerging gardens worldwide. Test your computer to see if you can watch our latest mini-video. Why not plant two tulip bulbs on top of each other? What questions do you have that might be answered in your own experimental plot?
  • Tulip Garden Update: November 8, 2002
    Are you one of the newly reported 108 tulip gardens planted since our last update? Welcome aboard! What is going on underground? Out of sight doesn’t mean your tulips are out of mind. Join one classroom’s tulip planting experiment and see how much can be done in one morning. And Journey North is part of a 100,000 tulip garden in Albany, New York. Check it out!
  • FINAL Fall Tulip Garden Update: December 6, 2002
    With today’s latest reports we now have a total of 214 gardens in this year’s study! We have an added challenge for you- predicting the emerging and blooming of the new garden in Tokyo, Japan. Students at Gakugei school who speak Japanese are taking a challenge, too! How many miles is it from your garden to theirs? While it is cold out, let's be thinking more about what will be happening underground. Try some of our suggested investigations.





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