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Baton Rouge, LA

August 29: "It is storming cats and dogs right now, with very strong wind gusts, up to 60 miles an hour. I still have all six feeders up and the hummers are fighting the winds and fighting and feeding. My friend who lives more out in the country has a swarm of probably at least two dozen hummers still feeding at her back-porch feeder.

"I don't know how those little guys manage to fly in this kind of wind and rain, but they do. This weather is supposed to last until tomorrow afternoon, with very heavy rains and very strong winds and gusts.  I will continue to leave my feeders out so they can eat." 

August 30: "First thing this morning, while it was still very windy and raining (it's beautiful now), I put up three more hummingbird feeders on my side porch, which makes a total of 6. They have been going crazy. You can actually see them getting fatter as the day goes on. I think at one point I had a swarm of probably 30 at 6 feeders, and probably 6 or 8 in my backyard at those two feeders. I have one feeder outside of my front bay window and several there. (Keep in mind that I live in mid city, not the country.) I have been amazed at how active they are and that they could survive that kind of wind and rain (Hurricane Isaac). During storms at the migration season people NEED to leave their feeders out. Those little hummers are HUNGRY. Love helping my little friends along their journey."

Ornithologist Laura Erickson says:

August 29: "The storm is moving quite slowly, which is good for hummingbirds. They'd have trouble flying high enough to elude it entirely. When the barometric pressure is falling dramatically as the storm approaches, they won't take off into it. The birds that would have problems would be ones that started out 24 hours before it hits, but because the storm moved so slowly, and I'm sure the pressure has been falling for a while, there probably won't be many migrants over the water. Storms can kill birds on land, too, but they have a MUCH better chance of survival if they're on shore when it hits."