Leaving First
By late August and early September, the biggest push south for most Ruby-throated Hummingbirds occurs. Males are the first to leave, some heading south as early as mid-July. By departing before females and the young birds of the season, there will be less competition for available food sources. More food will also be available when migrants spread out along the migration flyways.

"Our resident male, Mr. Speedy, has left us. Our last sighting of him was on Saturday, August 23rd. He had gotten quite chubby, so we knew that any day would be his last here. I watched for him to show up yesterday & today, but no dice. He was our first hummer on April 25th, so he was here just shy of four months. We'll surely miss the little guy! Safe travels, Mr. Speedy!"
Margi Fendt   Sewell, New Jersey   08/25/14

Wikimedia: Jeffrey W. of Illinois
Hummingbird: Leaving First