Staying for the Winter

Journey North

Of the four Pacific Northwest hummingbirds, Anna’s is the only one that doesn’t always migrate south to warmer climes in the winter. This week, John Doerper's urban garden — a certified backyard habitat with many low and tall ferns, shrubs, and trees — was abuzz with Anna's:

"An average of 3-5 birds, both males and females (4:3 ratio). They're flitting below shrubbery and tree canopies, catching bugs. Some flowers bloom here, even in winter: "Dawn" viburnum, winter-flowering cherry, winter jasmine, camellias, and evergreen clematis. The big orange honeysuckle and the flowering quince often bloom during warm spells." John Doerper   Bellingham, WA   10/09/15

Hummingbird Fall Migration
John Doerper
Juvenile Male Anna's Hummingbird