Hummingbird Hummingbird
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Discussion of Challenge Question #2

Photo National Gardening Association

“What changes need to happen in your neighborhood before hummingbirds arrive?”

Last time we asked you to explore the chain of sun-driven events that must happen before your hummers arrive. Here are your excellent responses, and you've made it clear just what the hummingbirds need!

Holmes Junior High in Cedar Falls, Iowa
"The snow must melt and temperatures rise. As the snow melts, more sticks are visible for nest-building. Flowers need to grow and bloom for the nectar, which is food for the hummingbirds. Trees need to grow their leaves, so the hummingbirds will have protection from predators and materials for their nests. The temperatures need to warm up at night, so the water does not freeze to also be available for the hummingbirds." Dan, Wally, Travis, and Jake

Ferrisburgh Central School in Ferrisburgh, Vermont
"Before a hummingbird can come here, flowers and plants need to grow back. The flowers have to have nectar. The snow needs to melt away, and the ground needs to thaw and warm up. The hummingbird will need shelter, so the trees and bushes have to have leaves." TJS, Brittany H., Emily (Grade 5)

It has to be warm, it has to be at least 60 degrees or higher. We have to have flowers around for nectar. The hummingbirds won't show up here until late spring. First, we are going to have the ground thaw, then the flowers have to grow and bloom. Until they bloom, we won't have the hummingbirds. Erik ,Elan, Evan, and Paige (Grade 3)

Iselin (New Jersey) Middle School
Hummingbirds need plenty of positive limiting factors. While waiting for the hummingbird to arrive in our neighborhood, we must plant nectar producing flowers for food. We must provide water for their baths and the weather needs to get warmer because they need sunlight. As these factors become evident, the hummingbirds will come back to our neighborhood and survive." Anthony, Sophie, Zaheen and Kara (Grade 7)

"Hummingbirds need positive limiting factors like acceptable temperatures and plenty of food, water, and shelter." Stephen K, Nick L, Shawn, and Zooraze (Grade 7)


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