News Update: April 3, 2008        Name _____________________ 

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Map Questions
(Teachers: Map is hotlinked for larger projection on smartboard or screen.)
A Journey North observer in Arkansas writes, "I sighted a Ruby-throated hummingbird of the season less than 15 minutes after sighting my first adult Monarch butterfly of the season!" (Location circled in orange.) Look at the maps below, then answer the questions that follow.
1st Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (4/3/08)
1st Monarch Butterflies (4/3/08)

As of today, how are the monarch and rubythroat migrations alike?
What do hummingbirds and monarchs need from their habitats that would explain why parts of their migration routes are alike?
How are the migrations different?
What questions do you have about the maps or migrations?