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Observations from Citizen Scientists:
Week Ending April 8, 2009

Read these observations from Journey North observers.

  • List 1 thing that surprised you.
  • List 1 hypothesis you have about how weather and hummingbird food sources are connected.
  • Write 1 question you would ask each observer.

April 3: Cleveland, AL
(33.98 N, -86.58 W)
One large male was at the window feeder at 8:50 a.m. It was 54 degrees, very breezy and cloudy. He seems very hungry. Lots of flowers are in bloom, but there are very few soft-bodied insects.

April 3: Anacortes, WA
(48.47 N, -122.62 W)
I heard the hummer last night at dusk and saw one this morning once I got the feeders up. They are very late this year, yet still earlier than the salmon berry bushes. It has been so cold and wet up here. I now have my feeders up for any more brave little souls that arrive! >>

April 4: Reidville, SC
(34.85 N, -82.14 W)
Yippeeeeee. Yesterday I was in a red t-shirt outside on the patio when I heard a buzzin' in my ear. I had a blue sage plant that those big, fat, fuzzy bumble bees were working. I thought it was a bee up at my ear. I turned and looked and there was the tiny-est little hummingbird I ever did see. He said "hello" and turned immediately and went to the feeder. I do think he's our little guy from the first year.

April 6: Haines , AK
(59.12 N, -135.70 W)
There is still quite a bit of snow on the ground, but there are some pussy willows out. It seems cold for the little hummers, but they know best, I guess. Other migrants are arriving as well. >>

April 7 : Dandridge, TN
(35.99 N, -83.39 W)
Saw just one male who looks all wet. Is quite skittish. We got below zero last night. Today it is 41 degrees. The past week it had been warm and a lot of trees are budding and blooming, as are tulips. It is going to freeze again tonight. I'm worried about the little guy and others that may be around here.

For Your Journal: Each week, choose a favorite hummingbird sighting and record your thoughts in your journal. >>

Nosing for Nectar
Lebanon, Oregon

(44.53 N, -122.82 W)

It took observer Jeanne Kroker a while to get this shot of a hungry rufous at her feeder!
Photo: Jeanne Kroker