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Observations from Citizen Scientists:
Week Ending March 18, 2014
Each week, choose your favorite hummingbird sighting and record your thoughts in your journal.

March 15: Houston, Texas
"It's a coooold front again in Houston. We have our first hummer war from an over-wintering sub-adult rufous trying to knock ruby-throat off the feeder. But, this first of the season 2014 male ruby-throat is refueling and holding his ground. It is six weeks early for our male rubies to return."

March 16: Harlingen, Texas
"Saw the fos (first of season) today. It was a mature male ruby-throat hummingbird. He spent most of the time gleaning bugs off a tree near the feeder. It was very windy today so he stayed close to the vegetation."

March 17: Vancover, Washington
"St. Patrick's Day has been lucky for me. I feel like I hit the jackpot. I first reported seeing my first female rufous of this year that came late yesterday afternoon and all day today. Right after my reported sighting I saw my first rufous male of the season. A couple hours later my first immature rufous came to my feeder."

March 13 and 14: Bellingham, Washington
Photographer and bird enthusiast John Doerper captured his first good photos of his first male and female rufous.

Rufous have made their way into Canada. Last week first sightings were reported in British Columbia from Gambier Island, Ladysmith, Parksville, Pender Island, and Gillies Bay.

March 15: Gillies Bay, Texada Island, British Columbia
"Spring must be here! Handsome rufous male spent the day checking out feeders in my yard. Male Anna's tried chasing him away several times."


Reports from Other Observers
You can find all observations reported this week in the database and on the migration maps.


by land or by sea?
Jackpot! Female (above) and male rufous (below) sighted in Vancover on March 17.
Photos: Leslie Crosby
by land or by sea?
by land or by sea?
Female rufous
Photo: John Doerper
by land or by sea?
Male rufous
Photo: John Doerper