Interdisciplinary Clues

Mystery Class
Clues for March 28, 2008


"In our country, we do not wear shoes inside our house, and traditionally we sleep on the floor. "

"Hungry? We'd love to invite you to a braai
and we'll serve you Boerewors."


"Since its founding, our nation has had 43 leaders. Our nation has no official language under national law; but one of our neighbor nations has two."

Click image to enlarge

"Our state has several other states as neighbors; and it also has one neighbor that is a nation. This photo shows the skyline of one of the major cities (not our city) in our state, which is a place where lions and tigers play in fields next to each other."

 "Most of our neighbor countries speak a langauge that is different from our country's official language."

"In our state there is a location that is said to be the place where the sun rises first for not only our continent but for another one too."


"Our nation shares borders with
three other nations on land."

"Our province is quite exotic,
even for people from our own country."

"This country has no natural drinking water and in the old days water would be imported from a neighboring country by dhow, but in modern days we produce water by desalination. These towers can hold 4500m3 of water and the highest of the three is 185m."

click image to enlarge

"I live on a continent nearly 60 times the size of the UK, yet we have no government. The population is very small and varies with the time of year."

Click image to enlarge

"One of our seasonal visitors is pictured above. Some say it gets more daylight than any other creature, because its migration (perhaps the farthest yearly journey of any bird) takes it to locations in both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres when the days there are the longest on earth. Study a bird guide to identify this long distance flyer and learn its range -- and a clue to our location. "

"We use Euros for our currency.
Two seas touch our borders."
#9 "We can hardly wait for summer. Our country has been waiting for over a century to host this event!"
"Our country borders one of the world's highest lakes."

click image to enlarge

"This city in the photo (not our city) is in our country and it's really quite a wonder, so we're glad it was never really lost."

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