Interdisciplinary Clues

Mystery Class
Clues for April 3, 2009


"To our disappointment, lions from our country were defeated by hawks from another country in a recent contest in a third country."
"Our country does not touch an ocean, but we are an island politically. Our country has four official languages."

"A major league baseball team from the United States recently signed a baseball player from our country."

"One of our country's most popular foods is bacalhao. Our country was once a colony of another country where this food is popular too."
#5 "Some people say that our state has locations that are the westernmost and the easternmost points of all states in the country."
"Our country is an archipelago with fantastic scuba and skin diving. We have beautiful reefs, and many kinds of jellyfish, including one that doesn't sting humans!"

"We can see icebergs all year round. Our food comes in on a ship – we don't grow anything here."

Click image to enlarge

Ship with supplies

"This month every year, the people of this country throw lots of water on each other for three days as part of an annual holiday festival."

Click image to enlarge

Water fight

"Devils live in one state of our country, and citizens are trying to protect and save them from a deadly disease."


"Our state is surrounded by
4 M's,
two are made of land and two are made of water."

Click image to enlarge

River view

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