Interdisciplinary Clues

Mystery Class
Clues for April 10, 2009


"Our region/province is one of several located along
the Gulf coast of our country."
"Our canton sits on the shore of a famous lake. Part of the lake belongs to our country, and the other part belongs to another country. "

"The county that surrounds us is located in the northern half of our country; its western border is strait; its name is said to mean center."

"We are adjacent to the southernmost province in our country."
#5 "The bay where we are located has some of the largest tide ranges in the world."
"Our country's largest island has one of the largest fresh water natural lakes in our country, and that lake is located in our state!"
#7 "The name of the main island in our archipelago sounds like a US state with a border with Florida, but we are much further South…"

"Our region of the country, said to be at the tip of the ear of the elephant, boasts a well known archeological dig from the Bronze Age which is a world heritage site;

Red ant eggs
and in this region, people eat red ant eggs as a delicacy."
Click image to enlarge

"Our state holds several races involving these non-motorized vehicles. "

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non-motorized vehicles racing


"Our state rock is also the name of a state park in our corner of the state."

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