Interdisciplinary Clues
for March 26, 2010
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Mystery Class #1

"Our continent is bordered by three oceans and a gulf."

Mystery Class #2

"We are located on the 'ring of fire', near the bottom of one continent and close to the top of another."

Mystery Class #3

"In contrast to MC #8, we are located on a continent surrounded by ocean. Our annual sunset just happened, so it will be very dark for the next six months." (Photo taken at noon in July -- it's pitch dark. Click image to enlarge.)


Location image

Mystery Class #4

"'Oceania' is a name that some use for our region of Earth. This is a photo of a traditional monument of the indigenous people."(Click image to enlarge.)


Local monument

Mystery Class #5
"Our region of Earth has several archipelagic nations, including two nations with thousands of islands each."
Mystery Class #6

"We began using the common currency of Euro notes and coins in January 2002."(Click images to enlarge.)

Euro Notes

Euro Coins

Mystery Class #7
"We are located on a continent that is one of the coldest places on Earth. It is also one of the driest, considered to be mostly desert; but don't expect to see sand."
Mystery Class #8
"In contrast to MC #3, we are located on an ocean that is surrounded by continents. And our annual sunrise just happened, so it will be light for the next six months."
Mystery Class #9

"The early European explorers arrived here to obtain spices. The most popular food in the southeast part of our world region is grown in paddies." (Click right image to enlarge.)


Farm field

Mystery Class #10
"In this region of Earth, rice is a staple food."