2013 Contest Checklist
Deadline April 26

Required: Complete Steps 1-5


I understand the contest is judged by grade. If I have multiple grades in one classroom, I will list all grades
(e.g. 4/5 or 4, 5, 6).


I understand I must include all of the following information about each mystery site I am answering for:

a. City (or town or specific place if not a city.)
b. Country (not the state/province; if the place has no country, list the continent).
c. Approximate latitude and longitude
(in decimals, e.g. tenths of a degree; degrees/minutes are fine.)


I will doublecheck my answer before submitting.
I understand I will not be allowed to change my answer and re-submit it to correct mistakes.


If I have more than one class entering I will submit a separate Answer Form for each. Under "Class Name" identify the specific class:

  • "Ms. Johnson's 1st hour class", or
  • "Ms. Johnson's 4th hour class"

I'm ready to submit my answers:

Answer Form

  • Deadline Midnight April 26
    Late entries are not eligible.

Answer Form