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How to Submit Your Answers
  • April 25, 2014
  • Late entries are not eligible.

About Your Class

  • If your class has multiple grades, list all grades (4/5 or 4,5,6).
  • If you are submitting answers from multiple classes:
    • Submit a separate entry form for each class.
    • Under class name, identify each class specifically. For example, Ms. Johnson's 1st hour class.

Your Answers
Include the following information about each mystery site you found:

    Town or specific place if not a city.

    Not state/province. If location has no country, name the continent.

    Approximate Latitude and Longitude
    Use degrees/minutes or decimal degrees.

Results Announced
On Friday, May 2nd, Mystery Class locations will be revealed. The schools/classes who successfully found all 10 Mystery sites will be announced by grade level.

Read Instructions

Answers cannot be changed after the form has been submitted.

Answer Form

Answer Form