Migration Rate Math
Who saw the strongest migration this week?
October 8 - 12, 2006

Here are a few of this week's observations. Read the comments and calculate the migration rate for each. Record this fall's most impressive observations on your Fall 2006 Record Sheet. Add your favorites to your own Migration Highlights Map. (Don't forget: You can collect more observations from our migration maps and weekly updates.) Please report your sightings!

10/10/06 Dover, DE (38.45 N, -75.04 W)
Today I left Dover, DE, and spent the day in Ocean City, MD. I counted a total of 66 monarchs in a 15 minute drive (and that total would have been much higher had I been able to slow down and get a better look!) You could see 5 and 6 at a time clustered on each plant, feeding.

10/09/06 Mansfield/Grand Prairie, TX (32.56 N, -97.13 W)
Maybe they were just late in getting started this morning, but they are here now! I counted over 50 in under 2 minutes around 9:15am ! After a few minutes, I lost count but there were just so many! There are some that are so high you can barely see them and some are flying low to the ground and resting a bit...but all are traveling south.

10/09/06 Flower Mound, TX (33.01 N, -97.09 W)
My 4 year old son and I were waiting outside the local Firestone while our flat tire was being repaired. From 9:00 - 9:25am we counted 52 Monarchs flying right over us!

10/09/06 Oklahoma City, OK (35.4326 N, -97.5242 W)
From 10 a.m. -10:15 a.m. this morning (10/9/06) did a quick count to see if the monarchs are moving in Oklahoma City, OK. Looking up I counted butterflies within my field of vision for a one-minute count period. Most butterflies are between 50-500ft above the ground headed SW.

10:02--18 monarchs
10:05--16 monarchs
10:08--16 monarchs
10:10--20 monarchs
10:12--15 monarchs
10:14--21 monarchs

10/08/06 Kingfisher, OK (35.91 N, -98.02 W)
They're here!!! Finally a large wave of Monarchs is coming thru Central Okla. We were in Norman this a.m., in a field full of trees and Golden crownbeard with about 200 Monarchs. Thru Norman, we were seeing about 1 Monarch every 1-2 min. Closer to OKC, were seeing about 1 every 5 min. Upon arriving home to Kingfisher, we were greeted with about 40 Monarchs nectaring in my Butterfly Garden.

10/08/06 Oklahoma City, OK (35.43 N, -97.52 W)
Driving thru OKC, we were seeing 1 Monarch about every 5 minutes.

12 de Octubre de 2006 Acuña, Coahuila (29.18 N, 100.55W)
Hoy por la mañana recibí el reporte del Ing. Roberto Enriquez, de ciudad Acuña Coahuila, avisando que las mariposas estaban cruzando esta mañana la frontera a razón de 100-120 por hora. En Saltillo la gente está ansiosa por verlas porque normalmente para el día de hoy ya se encuentran llegando a la ciudad. Esperamos verlas para el sábado. (Rocio Treviño Ulloa, Programa Correo Real)


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