Nectar Hotspots
The largest counts have been in nectar-rich hotspots with Liatris. This late-blooming plant is a monarch magnet! When planting for monarchs, flower bloom-times are important. Include late-bloomers to attract migrating monarchs and provide vital fuel for migration.
"At the Apostle Islands Park Service building there is a wild garden. Someone had the foresight to plant many Blazing Stars (Liatris), a column of purple blossoms that the monarchs love. Last year we only saw 2 or 3 butterflies recharging on this blossom. This year the flowers are mobbed, at least 2 per plant. As one monarch leaves, more land and feed. We are so glad to see them again in such numbers." Kathleen Presnell Bayfield, Wisconsin September 1, 1214
Randy Klauk Minneapolis, Minnesota August 31, 2014