Over 500 in Minnesota
On Monday, Doug McEvers reported this season's largest roost: "I am fortunate to have been where I was that morning. I arrived just as the monarchs were starting to warm up in the sun. I can only estimate the number at 500 or more on several smaller Eastern cottonwood trees. The tree grove is in the middle of a Tallgrass prairie remnant on our farm. This has always been a good staging area over the years because of the wildflowers and native grasses. Milkweeds are vital, but so are undisturbed grasslands with a season-long food source.
"After the monarchs warmed in the sun they began to move into the prairie remnant to forage on goldenrod, sunflowers and blazing star. I was surrounded by monarchs just going about the business of fueling up for the flight south. I would estimate the number of monarchs on our farm this weekend at well over 1,000. From my standpoint in western Minnesota it looks to rival 2011."

Doug McEvers Barnsville, Minnesota September 1, 2014