Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly
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Students Responses to Challenge Question #4

After looking at the journey north update, our class decided to try answer challenge question #4. Here is what our class said. We think Monarch Butterflies need shelter:

  • To protect them from winter storms and snow
  • To protect them from predators and other animals
  • To avoid the rain so that their wings do not get heavy and they are able to fly

Mrs. James First-and-Second Grade Class
Harrison Township, Michigan

Mrs. Nunnally's second grade class at Peter Woodbury School in Bedford, NH
thinks that monarchs need shelter from the cold, snow, ice, hail, rain and
other storms. They also need shelter from other animals that might eat
them. They need shelter from people so they aren't bothered. Even dewdrops
can be dangerous for monarchs beacuse the water can get the butterflies'
wings wet and then they can't fly. If there is a lot of dew, it might knock
the butterflies out of the trees.

Monarch butterflies are very small and fragile insects and only weigh the amount of a paperclip. Think about it and they need protection from all kinds of different things.

  • They have to stay out of the rain because that could kill them how fast if falls.
  • If it is windy, the wind blows us over think what it does to butterflies.
  • They have predators also, so they have to be able to hide out somewhere.
  • They also just the weather in general they can't be in the heat or the cold for too long.

So basically they need shelter from a lot of things because they are so fragile.


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