News Update: June 5 , 2008        Name _____________________ 

A Clear Increase in Monarchs?

Sightings per Day
May 1 - June 4, 2008

Sightings per Week
March 7 to June 7, 2008

Look at Sightings per Day
This graph shows ____________________________________ .

Describe the changes you see on the graph. What might have caused the changes?



Look at Sightings per Week
This graph shows ____________________________________ .

(Notice that the dates match the dates on the migration map, so show how many sightings were added to the migration map each week, too).

Describe the pattern you see on the graph. How do you explain the rise and fall of sightings?


Think About the Data

  • It often takes a few days before people come to the web to report their sightings. How do the graphs above reflect this delay?
  • The graphs only show the number of monarchs that were reported. Give reasons why this might not be an accurate way to measure changes in the migration.