From Mexico or First Generation?


  • The first report of a 1st generation monarch came from Texas on April 16th.
  • The Minnesota sighting was on May 10th, 24 days later.
  • It's 1,100 miles from Texas to Minnesota.
  • If the monarch flew 45.8 miles per day, it could make it from Texas to Minnesota. (1,100 miles/24 days = 45.8 miles per day.)
  • If the monarch flew in 25 mph wind, it could fly 1,100 miles in 44 hours. (1,100 miles/25 mph = 44 hours.)
  • Over 24 days, the butterfly would have to fly for 1.8 hours per day.
    (44 hours/24 days= 1.8 hours/day.)

What do you think? Are these flight speeds possible?