I Am A Bat!

One sign the season is changing is the disappearance of bats. Can you think why bats migrate when temperatures drop?

Did You Know:

  • A bat can eat up to half its body weight in insects every night.
  • Bats catch insects in flight using their mouth and a wing pouch near their shoulder.
  • Bats are not mice - they belong to a separate order called Chiroptera.
  • One quarter of all mammal species are bats.
  • Bats are the only mammals that can fly.
  • The little brown bat can live up to 32 years.
  • Bats have poor eyesight. They use sound, like ships use sonar, to navigate at night and find food. This is called 'echolocation.'
  • A bat can hear the footsteps of a walking insect!
  • Many plants, like dates, bananas and figs rely on fruit bats for polination.

What Was Your Batting Average?

A flap of skin on their wing helps bats catch and hold insects in flight.