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Would You Believe 400,000 Snow Geese?

The spring migration of the snow goose is a big event every year. This eastern subspecies breeds in the Canadian eastern high Arctic and northern Greenland. It winters along the Atlantic coast of the United States. Historically the entire population stages in spring and fall along the St. Lawrence River near Quebec City.

"Normally 100,000 birds annually migrate through Eastern Ontario. This spring, for unknown reasons but possibly due to a later thaw than in recent years, an additional roughly 300-350,000 birds headed west into Ontario in the third week of March. This may well be a once in a lifetime event. Even seasoned birders were very impressed," shared birder Brian Morin.

Brian continued, "I could use many superlatives to describe this phenomenon. All of them would apply. A number of birders described it as a 'world-class' event, befitting any massive display of wildlife on the planet. This spring's migration of Snow Geese certainly is right up there."

  • See and hear this monumental event on YouTube. (Thank you Nadine Tate of Ottawa.)
snow geese migration in Ontario
Photo: Brian Morin

more snow geese on St. Lawrence
Photo: Jean Iron