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Backyard Birding in Fulton, Michigan

Seasonal change is all around us. During spring migrations it is possible to have a front-row seat when you create a wildlife sanctuary in your own yard. These photographs, sent from a spotter in Fenton, Michigan show the variety of birds attracted to backyard feeders.

We have had 2 male Baltimore (Northern) orioles here all day they are most interested in the suet and peanut feeders.  Also had an Orchard Oriole visit today, we had never seen one of those before. 
We also have had 5 male and 1 female Rose Breasted Grosbeak for several days. I had a camera in my hand all day trying to get pictures of all of them and trying to get all of them together, very challenging but did get a few good shots. Enjoy!

Helen Nofz
April 28, 2011

Rose-breasted grosbeaks; 2 males and female.
orchard oriole northern and orchard orioles northern oriole
Orchard Oriole

Northern oriole (L) and Orchard oriole (R)

Northern oriole at feeder.
grosbeaks finches  
Male and female Rose-breasted grosbeak, cardinal and finches at the feeders. How many finches do you count on this unusual feeder?  

Photos: Helen Nofz