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Signs of Spring: Observations for March
  • Bozeman, Montana 3/24/11
    First I heard the sound of my first sand hill crane and then saw a pair in the field.Yes spring is here.
  • Waterloo, Iowa 3/29/11
    The Turkey Vultures are back! Saw two today. Saw first ant hill and first pocket gopher mound today as well.
  • Brookings, South Dakota 3/30/11
    Saw first Killdeer in front yard!
  • Grimsby, Ontario 3/30/11
    Two common loons flew over the Beamer Conservation Area Hawk Watch near Grimsby, Ontario on March 30th.

  • Perham, Minnesota 3/30/11
    Watching the birds in the front yard, eating seed and suet and along comes a Redwinged Blackbird. Spring must be here, seeing new birds almost every day.

  • Palatine, Illinois 3/23/11
    First Sandhill Crane seen on the edge of the lake this morning

  • Morris, Illinois 3/29/11
    Spotted the first creeper of the season shimming up the bark on a hackberry tree.

  • Accident, Maryland 3/23/11
    I heard frogs singing as I got to work this morning. Several people had heard them over the weekend.

  • Winterport, Maine 3/23/11
    This morning, our class walked down to check on our tulip bulbs. The path was slippery because there was a small amount of fresh snow on the ground. We saw animal tracks in the snow on the trail towards the woods. Trees are budding after a long cold winter. Even a pussy willow was starting to bloom.

  • Whitewater, Wisconsin 3/23/11
    First Great Blue Heron on the lake same day the ice went out.