American Robin American Robin
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A Look Back 9 Years to April 1997
Joyanne Hamilton, Innoko River School

Can you find Shageluk, Alaska?

It Depends on the Weather! A Look Back
Teacher Joyanne Hamilton wonders where the spring migrants are. She remembers back to April 1997, nine years ago:

"During the first two weeks of April 1997 we were having some very wild, stormy weather. For the first two weeks we didn't see any spring birds at all. April 16 the weather cleared up and it was nice and sunny. I remember exactly because my kids and I were out cutting the last of the fall subsistence fish so it could dry in the spring sun. There was still a lot of snow (as here is now in 2006), but the heat of the sun this time of year is great.

"We cut fish on the fish cutting table behind our house. While we were busy cutting fish, flock after flock after flock of every bird imaginable came soaring over and passing by—going directly east to west! It was amazing! We'd be paying attention to our job of cutting fish when all of a sudden we'd hear Canadian Geese! After a flock passed, we'd cut again and then be hearing Snow Geese! After they'd passed, we heard Tundra Swans! This went on all day. It was incredible. The next day our little songsters made it known that they were back as well! Robins, Fox Sparrows, and some Rusty Blackbirds were all over.

"When our weather clears here, in April 2006, I am looking forward to a similar show."

Joyanne Hamilton
Innoko River School
Shageluk, Alaska


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