American Robin American Robin
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April 25, 2006

Students at Shageluk's Innoko River School

"Sandhill Cranes, Swans and many of our songbirds are back as of Earth Day weekend! The temps have been hovering between 33 and 36 F. It's nice to hear the songbirds back.
My kids decided to write some things for JN, now that the Robins are here, said teacher Joyanne Hamilton at Innoko River School.

  • The things I like to do in the spring is hang out with friends, hang out outside and watch the Crows fly around. My favorite bird to watch for is the Mountain Bird (White-Crowned Sparrow), because I like the color of the Mt. Bird. ~ Mariah John, Grade 6

  • The things I like to do is hang out with friends and walk around with them, too. Also, I like to check my email and my Bebo. My favorite spring bird to watch for is the Robin and the Bald Eagle. ~ Amanda Benjamin, Grade 6

  • My favorite thing to do in the spring is to look at the geese and go hunting. It's a lot of fun in the spring when you go through overflow on the lakes. My favorite bird to watch for is Eagles, Ducks and Geese. ~Jarin Howard, Grade 8

  • I like to watch birds when I get bored. My favorite bird to watch is an Eagle because they look cool and beautiful. ~Alyssa Wulf, Grade 4 I like to go hunting geese in the spring. My favorite bird to watch for is geese. ~Jack John, Grade 7

  • I like to ride around in the spring. I like to watch for Eagles because they fly high in the air. ~ Everett Semone, Grade 7

  • I like to go geese hunting and ride my bike in the spring. My favorite bird to watch is the Hawk because they fly really low. ~ Shawn Benjamin, Grade 6.

  • I like to ride my bike in the spring time. My favorite bird to watch for is Bald Eagles. ~Justin Arrow, Grade 8

  • I like going hunting in the spring with my brother. I like watching for Eagles when they come back to Alaska. ~Ezra Golilie, Grade 7


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