American Robin American Robin
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Students at Shageluk's Innoko River School

The students at Innoko River School in Shageluk, Alaska wanted to share with you some of the dates that our spring birds came!


Spring 2006 Migratory Bird Arrivals in Shageluk, AK

April 18 Canadian Geese
April 21 Mallard Ducks
April 21 Seagulls (not sure what kind--they're fast!)
April 21 Black-eyed Juncos
April 22 Tundra Swans
April 25 Sandhill Cranes
April 25 White Crowned Sparrows
April 25 Gold Capped Sparrows
April 28 Fox Sparrow
April 29 Rusty Blackbirds (we heard these are on a "watch list". They next here and are quite abundant in our area)
April 29 Rusty Blackbirds (we heard these are on a "watch list". They next here and are quite abundant in our area)
April 30 Snipes or Sandpipers of some kind. (Our kids are not sure what kind yet, but they are here!)
April 30 Peregrine Falcon
Late May? Warblers of different kinds (Yellow, Wilson, Black, etc)


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