Which stages of the nesting cycle are people observing now?

Read what observers reported this week and plot the observers' locations on this map of North America. What does your map reveal about the different stages of the nesting cycle that are being observed right now?

  • Alabama: The first baby left the nest today. The fledgling is being fed and cared for by the male robin while the female robin focuses on the other three babies that are still in the nest.
  • Georgia: Two robin fledglings, parent still feeding. Have been up on front steps of house and on railing most of day. Then they fly down to ground and hop or fly back on steps or railing.
  • Oklahoma: Mother robin worked for the past 10 days building her nest. She started sitting in the nest today.
  • Vermont: I saw the first female robin carrying a beak-full of mud to a pine tree today, a clear sign of nest building is underway.
  • Quebec: The first nest building is complete. Now waiting for the eggs.
  • Alaska: Robins are beginning to sing and set up territory.