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Are Worms Up?
In fall and winter, robin migrations are often influenced by the availability of fruit, but in spring they move in response to the availability of soil invertebrates, such as earthworms. An age-old hypothesis about robin migration says that robins arrive in an area when the average temperature is 36°F. Scientists believe that, by migrating north just behind the advance of this average temperature, the birds will find food and open water available. This timing also allows robins as long a breeding season as that climate will allow. What's the current average temp where you live?

"I watched 4 to 6 robins feeding on earthworms."
Tom E. in Baltimore, Maryland (February 22, 2014) 

"Four robins on a fence observing a grassy area for worms, no doubt. It was during a break from the first good rainstorm we have had this season."
Eric H. in Santa Maria, California (March 1, 2014) 

Photo: Tom Ernst
Robin pulling an earthworm from the soil