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Migration Complete! Robins Reach the End of the Trail

After a long and unusual wait, Robins have arrived in Shageluk, Alaska! The temperature has averaged a warm 40 degrees for two weeks, the Innoko River ice is out, the lakes are slowly opening up, Geese and Ducks have been around for two weeks now, Varied Thrush, White-crowned Sparrows, Fox Sparrows and Juncos sing their cheery songs at the break of day, and now we finally hear our Robins!

This year I have realized that the first Robins of the year in our area give a forceful, “I am here now!" call. Robins definitely announce their arrival. “I’M HERE! LET’S GET ON WITH THINGS!”

—Ms. Hamilton, teacher at Innoko River School, Shageluk, Alaska: May 6, 2014