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Feeding on Fruits
Robins and waxwings are okay hanging out together in winter, as many observers noted. Both eat fruit, and flocking together means more eyes to discover new sources of fruit. By now, much of last summer's leftover fruit on trees and shrubs has been eaten. When birds do discover fruit, they want to stay and eat—not fly off in search of another tree. Can you find the waxwing that parked itself close to a cluster of berries? It wants to stay until it has a full stomach. The robins want to eat, too!

"A flock of robins was spotted and estimated by 4th graders during a mapping activity at Dodge Nature Center. The robins were actively feeding on buckthorn berries with a large group of Cedar Waxwings."
Sheryl at Garlough Environmental Magnet School    West St. Paul, Minnesota   February 11, 2015

Robins and waxwings feeding together

C. Haines