Presidente CallesElementary Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
For a few years now Journey North has visited Presidente Calles Elementary with special interest. Lots of families of these children still depend of the Forest industry, (legal and illegal logging), but for some years now, many of them start to do activities related to monarch tourism. However, many of them, children, teachers, and parents, seem to be lacking in knowledge about the great importance of preserving the forests for the monarchs’ future. Also, how all of this affects the growing employment the monarchs provide to the population of towns like Ocampo and Angangueo.
As Estela arrives at the school a young teacher and some students, asked if they could be included in the visit, to which she answered: "Of course! I’m coming to speak to everyone!"
In only a few minutes, all children arrived at the school. They knew Journey North had just arrived and all were so excited to have their Ambassador butterflies and letters!
The students at the school participated in a long, long discussion. The topic of monarch conservation brought an enormous queue of questions, and wonders. The students showered Estela with so many questions; they showed themselves so interested in everything we discussed about our region, including their challenges to face in the future.
As they wrote their letters to their counterparts in the North, our talk would not end; a question came from here and there.
Teachers themselves thank Journey North, the moment the visit ends,
“Our children and parents are so far from being sensible to all what you informed today! How interesting to know so many wonders about monarchs and about how important our region is."
As Estela finished her visit with the students she concluded that this generation might really start to make gradual changes for the future of the monarchs' preservation.
Butterflies Received
This school received Ambassador Butterflies from the following U.S. and Canadian Schools:
La Vernia Intermediate, La Vernia, TX
Hybla Valley Elementary, Alexandria, VA
Hybla Valley Elementary, Alexandria, VA
Cedar Park Elementary, Apple Valley, MN
Hybla Valley Elementary, Alexandria, VA
La Vernia Intermediate, La Vernia, TX
Toll Gate Grammar School, Pennington, NJ
Beechwood School, Mountainside, NJ
Riker Hill Elementary, Livingston, NJ
Riker Hill Elementary, Livingston, NJ
Hoover Elementary, Dubuque, IA
Eagle Rock Elementary, Eagle Rock, VA
Ibraham Elementary, Pfafftown, NC
La Vernia Intermediate, La Vernia, TX
Bexley Middle School, Columbus, OH
La Vernia Intermediate, La Vernia, TX
Troutville Elementary, Troutville, VA
Breckinridge Elementary, Fincastle, VA
La Vernia Intermediate, La Vernia, TX
Riker Hill Elementary, Livingston, NJ
La Vernia Intermediate, La Vernia, TX
Riker Hill Elementary, Livingston, NJ
La Vernia Intermediate, La Vernia, TX
La Vernia Intermediate, La Vernia, TX
Hall Fletcher Elementary, Asheville, NC
Riker Hill Elementary, Livingston, NJ
Riker Hill Elementary, Livingston, NJ
B B and N School, Cambridge, MA
Turning Point School, Emporia, KS
Hettinger Elementary, Hettinger, ND
William Allen White Elementary, Emporia, KS
Olpe Elementary, Olpe, KS
Century Elementary, Park Rapids, MN
Century Elementary, Park Rapids, MN
Century Elementary, Park Rapids, MN
Elm School, Burr Ridge, IL
Thunerbird Prep Academy, Cornelius, NC
Kirk Elementary, Houston, TX
West Side School, Syosset, NY
West Side School, Syosset, NY
Hatch School, Oak Park, IL
Hatch School, Oak Park, IL