Symbolic Monarchs in Mexico


Lázaro Cárdenas Telesecundaria - Middle School

This middle school is located in Cerro Prieto Community, a second row community surrounding El Rosario Sanctuary.

On the way to the community, I see children everywhere along the main roads and paths hurrying to school!  School starts at 8:30 to 9:00. No need to take any means of transportations, unless, by chance or fun, it may be available.  Nowadays, the furthest a child walks to school is a distance of 1-2-3 km.  The last 15-20 years, every community has an elementary school in it, and most of them, a Middle school.  Education coverage in México has grown so, that in only a few years, almost every community might have a High level School at a ratio of 6-10 kms.

As soon as children recognize Rocinante, they ran to it, giving a warm welcome to Estela and look inside as if “sniffing” for their Ambassador Monarchs! They love to get a ride to school, although Estela was driving to another school near to theirs.

A distant view of the school and a little chapel, both well cared after by all inhabitants in the community.  A Teacher, similar to a Priest, are both figures highly respected in our small communities and villages in México.  This is part of the values we are brought up with.

JN has decided to visit Middle school students more often than High school students, since, teaching students at this age about the importance of preservation of Monarch habitat, and ecosystems shall be of high importance. Students of this age, have started to learn about the community’s life, parents and grandparents’ responsibilities, ideology, traditions, culture, behaviour, local and region’s politics, their rights as Ejidatario Families, etc.

Students were very happy to write a letter to their counterparts in Canada and US. They show high interest in discussing about Monarchs life, habitat in the North where they reproduce and habitat here, where they overwinter.  Most of them have the idea that in the North, Monarchs form Sanctuaries as well in forests similar to ours! They were surprised to know Monarchs reproduce and live up there in a totally different habitat! We had a good discussion about how Asclepia grows along enormous areas of land for them to lay their eggs and start the life-cycle. Also, how the 4-5 generations grow up notrh until the last generation born comes to overwinter in Central México with us!

Students were amazed to hear that among other facts, many Oyamel trees fell down during the wind-sleet-snow storm last March 2016. We discussed about the fact of their height, weight and rather shallow roots could have been one reason so many trees fell.

While shooting the group photo, many students express high appreciation for JN visit once again, saying how important they consider all this information learned today is so basic for their own education, self and family living in the future guaranteeing themselves an Monarchs a safe future!.

Estela Romero
Angangueo, Michoacán, México.

Butterflies Received
This school received Ambassador Butterflies from the following U.S. and Canadian Schools:

Lamar Elementary, San Antonio, TX
Dean Luce Elementary, Canton, MA
Lincoln School, Lincoln, MA
O'Maley Innovation Middle School, Gloucester, MA
O'Maley Innovation Middle School, Gloucester, MA
South Elementary, Plymouth, MA
South Elementary, Plymouth, MA
FernLeaf Community Charter School, Fletcher, NC
Longfellow Elementary, Oak Park, IL
Sacred Heart Catholic School, Floresville, TX
Sacred Heart Catholic School, Floresville, TX
Sacred Heart Catholic School, Floresville, TX
Sacred Heart Catholic School, Floresville, TX
Covenant Day School, Matthews, NC
Sacred Heart Catholic School, Floresville, TX