Symbolic Monarchs in Mexico


Vicente Guerrero Elementary and Emiliano Zapata Kindergarten
Emiliano Zapata Elementary is located in the Cevati Community. It is the first belt back forests surrounding territory to Sierra Chincua Sanctuary.

Cevati is neighboring the San Jerónimo Pilitas and Pancho Maya communities. All three guard the back belt forest surrounding to Sierra Chincua Sanctuary. It is also a very small community only having Kindergarten and Elementary levels. 

On arriving to school and noticing that there was not elementary school classes for some days now at the school, and that only kindergarten graders would attend, --hardly able to write their names--, moms and teacher, --ranging around 30 years old all of them, except their young teacher--, at recognizing it was Journey North’s visit arriving, asked JN for the possibility to attend the visit and write the response letter for their children, having them to decorate the letter with their own hands at a sign of their children’s personal touch!  Journey North was delighted at the request!

As the talk about Monarchs’ life-cycle, mothers became delighted to know that this is the talk their children have got every season since the school is visited –for some years now—at the program’s arrival.

As the talk moved onto a surprise at telling them about the Ambassador paper Monarchs brought for their children. All were sent from Canadian and North American school children living in the migration corridor of the eastern parts of the two countries! They just could not believe it!

Moms kept saying:

Oh, we grew up seeing the thousands of Monarchs overflying all over while we helped our parents and grandparents in house tasks.  None would have dreamed of these butterflies bringing so much fame to our region -- even extra education and gifts to our children!  Thank you for coming and giving this great surprise to our children every year! You are very welcome in the community’s name!

"Please thank the children and teachers in the North for allowing us to attend the talk, receive our children’s paper butterflies and respond for them; their drawings may send a message of communication to them at telling them how we will guard our beautiful reserve as our cooperation for Monarchs lives!”

The photos should speak by themselves the rest of the experience and time shared at this school.

BOOKS DONATED: “El Reloj," “Mandala,” and “El Principito”.

Estela Romero
Angangueo, Michoacán, México.

Butterflies Received
This school received Ambassador Butterflies from the following U.S. and Canadian Schools:

Gladwyne Elementary, Gladwyne, PA
Midland Atreet School, Worcester, MA
Heritage Elementary, Wake Forest, NC
Hettinger Elementary, Hettinger, ND
Guajome Park, Vista, CA
Guajome Park, Vista, CA
Guajome Park, Vista, CA
Guajome Park, Vista, CA
Evans City Middle School, Evans City, PA
Evans City Middle School, Evans City, PA
Beechwood School, Mountainside, NJ
Saint Patrick School, Bryan, OH
Eisenhower International School, Tulsa, OK
Valley View School, Califon, NJ
Bancroft Community School, Spring Valley, CA
Big Lagoon School, Trinidad, CA