Symbolic Monarchs in Mexico


San Jerónimo Pilitas Kindergarten
Really little can be said to these little children but to explain that Monarchs are living in our forests and to listen from them when they see them and how they like them. Showing to them the way a Monarch is born, thrills them and the little book donated to them and their teacher on how a Monarch butterfly emerges, is amazing.  For them, holding in their hands an Ambasador papar Monarch made by children living from where Monarchs come from, is unbelievable!. 

Fort he state, it is very difficult to get teachers willing to teach at such far away communities.

Many teachers working at far away communities like this, are recently graduated teachers coming from very far away, not able to get a working place near to their living cities or towns.  So in such cases, they even sleep in their own classrooms/schools and local families provide meals for them for free as a gesture of appreciation for their effort to be so far away from home. These teachers mostly leave on Friday every weekend or every two weekends, depending on how far they are from, to visit their families.

A teacher is among the most respected persons in our communities and towns, as much respected and taken as a máximum authority as a local priest and civil authority.

Around 25 families live in this community. Although they do some agriculture growing corn and potatoes (no other thing can grow here at this altitudes at more than three thousand meters hight), men are the only ones working for the support of their families. A family earns,if lucky to get hired in a local activity, a mínimum salary of around 80 pesos per day at the most (about four dollars), so some practices of illegal logging can happen when trying to make a living is difficult. Our government has made good efforts though, assigning these families, for years now, with funds so that they can have the basic needs for food, and so that they do not do illegal logging practices. 

Donations: A book showing the life-cycle of the Monarch.

Butterflies Received
This school received Ambassador Butterflies from the following U.S. and Canadian Schools:

Radford High School, Radford, VA
Pembroke Hill School, Kansas City, MO
The Advent School, Boston, MA
The Advent School, Boston, MA
Reading Elementary, Centerville, UT