Symbolic Monarchs in Mexico


Un Mundo Maravilloso Kindergarten, Downtown Angangueo
Journey North could not miss visiting children at the heart of Angangueo town. Angangueo is a town of around 11, 000 inhabitants. It is sustained by its own local commerce, house-carpentry workshops, and from the financial support of many families having relatives working in the United States and Canada.  

Life in Angangueo is still very traditional both in family-life. Most moms work from their homes while dads work outside. Students here attend school from Kidergarten to High school, all public and free education. Right now we are waiting for the Farewell Festival to Monarchs, of which Journey North will be reporting!!!.

All of our little children in town grow up seeing Monarchs’ arrival in the fall, --on the Day of the Dead--,  knowing they are right now spending a warm winter in our two Sanctuaries. We also watch them each March when they leave the Sactuaries. Both of the mountains sanctuaries we can see from downtown.

Since they are so little, --only 3-5 years old--, Journey North's visit starts by explaining to them the stages of a Monarch emerging.  They are astonished the moment Estela describes the stage from egg to caterpillar, the fact that a Monarch only eats when growing strong as a caterpillar. They continue to be astonished the moment they listen how the metamorphosis process takes place inside the pupae.

Nooooo” –they turn to see each other--, “how can it be that it works like a computer, like magic?.

They very much like the activity where they color a beatiful paper Monarch for their friends knowing that their wonderful Ambassador Monarchs have come from Canada and United States. They are fascinated at seeing in the map from how far real and Ambassador Monarchs come from!

Their teacher, Miss Yesenia, educating kindergarten children in town for 25 years now, thanks Journey North and expresses her interest and wish that this message should be delivered every single year, as done in the last few years.

Donations: “Alfabeto Mobil” game to learn to form words and to combine numbers!

Butterflies Received
This school received Ambassador Butterflies from the following U.S. and Canadian Schools:

Westerly High SchoolWesterly, RI
Westerly High SchoolWesterly, RI
Shirakawa ElementarySan Jose, CA
Saint Michael Lutheran SchoolPortage, MI
Saint Michael Lutheran SchoolPortage, MI
Saint Michael Lutheran SchoolPortage, MI
Dominion High SchoolSterling, VA
Plymouth SchoolMidland, MI
Plymouth SchoolMidland, MI
Charjean ElementaryMemphis, TN
Country SchoolWeston, MA
Country SchoolWeston, MA
Woodland SchoolWeston, MA
Country SchoolWeston, MA
Woodland SchoolWeston, MA
Country SchoolWeston, MA
Julia P Bryant ElementaryStatesboro, GA
Woodland SchoolWeston, MA
Richardson ElementaryOscoda, MI
Schumann ElementaryLong Lake, MN
Plymouth SchoolWelland, ON
Tri County SchoolJamesport, MO