Jim Gilbert
Monarch Butterfly

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Send a Monarch to Mexico!
Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration

How to Send Your Monarch to Mexico
Remember, migration is a risky business. Please follow these instructions very carefully so your butterflies survive their migration!!
  • Print out a copy of the "Checklist for Successful Migration"(Click Here.)
  • You must complete each step on the Checklist.
  • Enclose the Checklist with your butterflies.
  • Mail them to:
    Journey North, 125 North 1st St., Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA
  • Postmark Deadline: No later than October 10, 1997.

More About Your Butterfly's Journey
The Journey North office will become a migration staging area for paper butterflies this fall. In late October, the butterflies will be packaged into large boxes and carried to Mexico. They will be on display all winter at the Papalote, Museo del Nino, where hundreds of children will see them every day. When the real monarchs leave Mexico in the spring, our friends at Papalote will return the butterflies to the Journey North office. There they will be put into the envelopes you and other classrooms provided for their return trip. Sometime next spring, your envelope will arrive and-- if all goes well-- inside you'll find the same number of butterflies you sent to Mexico. But these butterflies won't be your own. The butterflies you receive next spring will tell their own stories as you discover who made them, who cared for them during the winter, and where they have traveled.

A Few Notes:
We learned from the 40,000 butterflies we received last year! These guidelines are designed to make it possible to manage this project. Please help us by following the instructions on the Checklist carefully.

For security reasons, students are not required to include their name or personal address on their butterflies. However, the school address is required. (You may choose to send butterflies from your class, and include the teacher's name as well as the school address.)

Canadians friends: Please use U.S. stamps if possible. Otherwise, Canadian postage will be accepted. In the spring we will mail packages with Canadian postage to a school in Canada. Such packages will then be mailed in Canada.

Metered mail is not permitted because the metered date will have expired next spring. Last year the U.S. Postal Service would not accept the expired dates on metered mail and Journey North had to pay for mailing of those packages.

Checklist for Successful Migration
Preparing for the Journey South
How to Make a Monarch for the Migration

© Journey North, 1997. All Rights Reserved.