Jim Gilbert

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Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration
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Here's a glimpse of some of the butterflies that are on their way to Mexico! Each butterfly
below can be enlarged to its full screen by clicking on the image.
Nether Providence School
Wallingford, Pennsylvania
Como estas? Es mi marioposa!
Don Mills Middle School
Ontario, Canada
Peace! Have Fun!
New Martinsvile
West Virginia
Me llamo Juana. Tengo cuatorce anos.
Wells School
East Moline, Illinois
I hope you enjoy my pretty butterfly. Please keep him safe. Gracias!
Hongkong International School
Repulse Bay, Hong Kong
Dear Friend, I hope my monarch butterfly will carry your message back really soon.
Adios Amigos! Angela, Mui
Can Your Guess Where My Butterfly Came From?
I come from an American state off the Atlantic Coast. My home state is at 41.36N,
71.15W and is about 2400 miles from Mexico City!
Elliott Owen
North York, Ontario
Don't you think butterflies have great endurance? They flew all the way from here, in Canada,
to you in Mexico. I couldn't even walk that far without getting tired.
Ben Franklin Elementary
Kirkland, Washington
I have always wanted to learn more about butterflies, and also talk to someone from another country.
I am happy to be able to do this project with you.
Lloyd Harbor School
Huntington, New York
Please take good care of my butterfly. Its too cold here for it to live!
Brownsville, Texas
Mi nombre es Diana. La escuela en la que yo estudio se llama North Hall High School. Tengo 16 anos. Si te gusaria
escribirme y contarme de tu vida. |
Lockhart Middle School Orlando, Florida
Dear Friend, I am a 7th grade braille student. I think that the monarchs are really cool. I hope you will write
me back.
Glenview Public School
Burlington, Ontario
We live near Point Pelee, the southernmost tip of Canada. Every fall, thousands of monarchs gather
in September and leave Canada for the long journey south.