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Greetings from Mexico! Please keep in mind a couple of important things as you make your paper butterflies: Consider adding a post card or photo of the natural landscape surrounding your city or village. Our children have heard that many homes and schools in the north grow and care their own vegetable and flower gardens, and some schools plant prairies to support insect pollinators. Adding a photo or postcard to show this kind of thing helps us to see that all of the world efforts being done to preserve a healthy planet for the Monarchs. If an extra small game, figure or creative souvenir light in weight should be added to it, they will be so delighted feeling that something from that visiting symbolic Monarch is staying with them! We cannot wait to see your creations this season! Estela Romero |
Journey North's Estela Romero coordinates the Symbolic Migration at the monarch's winter home in Mexico. Estela's home town of Angangueo is surrounded by the monarch winter sanctuaries.