Today's News Send a Songbird
to the Neotropics
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Lesson #8: Creating Your Baby Bird and its Survival Kit

Enjoy making your symbolic songbird! Please pay special attention to those items required. You are free to include any of the optional items below--and add those of your own creation. However: The total weight of your songbird and survival kit must be NO MORE THAN 140 grams (5 oz.) or it will not be allowed to migrate!

Songbird & Survival Kit

Click Image to See Sample


Birds fly freely across international borders. But we won't send any birds who don't have a passport.

This Passport Must be Enclosed

Letter of Friendship

All birds have a will to survive. Write a letter to speak for your bird, asking children to protect it during the long, cold winter.


Mental Map

Draw a map of your bird's journey to the Neotropics.

Link to lesson: A Mental Map

Internal Compass

Make a chart of the night sky to help your bird navigate.

Link to Lesson: An Internal Compass


Design a built-in barometer to help your bird tell whether it's good weather to fly.
Link to lesson: A Built-in Barometer

Add your own ideas! But remember: The total weight of your songbird and survival kit must be NO MORE THAN 140 grams (5 oz.) or it will not be allowed to migrate!

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