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January 2013

Dear Students and Friends,
Thank you for your combined donation of $2,713 to the Monarch Butterfly Fund. We are so grateful for your help in protecting monarch habitat in Mexico. This year, we will use your funds for many actions that will lead to long-term conservation of this important habitat.

We are working on a model reforestation project that will help us and others understand the best ways to plant and maintain new seedlings; while many groups are working on reforestation projects, until now there has been little monitoring of the success of those projects.

We are also continuing to support the non-profit organization called Alternare, which works to promote sustainability in the communities living in and near the Monarch Butterfly Reserve.

We will continue to build partnerships with Mexican organizations and researchers, and will conduct environmental education workshops for guides in the Monarch Reserve. These guides and their families live in the Reserve, and their understanding of the amazing journey that monarchs take every year will help to build partnerships between individuals in Mexico, the US, and Canada.

Even though it's January now, it won't be long before the spring migration begins. You can feel proud of the help you provided to continue this migration.

Please watch the Monarch Butterfly Fund website and Facebook page for news about monarch conservation and biology in Mexico.


Dr. Karen Oberhauser
President, Monarch Butterfly Fund

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planting oyamel pines planting oyamel pines
Planting oyamel trees for monarch conservation.