Whooping Crane
Steve Hillebrand - USFWS

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Whooping Crane

News Flash: First Whooping Crane Arrives in Nebraska

Journey North Whooping Crane Migration Updates will begin next week according to this schedule:
THURSDAYS: March 5, 19 April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 14

February 24, 1998
A whooping crane has just been sighted in Nebraska!
This unscheduled report from Journey North teacher Gayle Kloewer, who lives near the Platte River in Nebraska brings this exciting news:

"This past week in Grand Island, Nebraska near the Platte River an adult whooping crane was spotted by Craig Davis of the Platte River Whooping Crane Habitat Maintenance Trust." (02/15/98)

Report the FIRST Whooping crane you see this spring to Journey North!

According to Wally Jobman of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Grand Island, NE, this crane was first conmfirmed on Feb. 15, and its arrival is the second earliest whooping crane arrival on record!

Wally said that this whooping crane "is an adult bird that probably wintered with sandhill cranes in west Texas. When the sandhills migrated to the Platte River, the whooper came also. The sandhill cranes began arriving on the Platte River much earlier than normal, probably as a result of mild winter", Wally said. "The remainder of the whooping crane flock is still at Aransas and probably will not begin to migrate until mid-March". "I expect the whooping crane will remain in this area until mid-March or early April."

Photo credit-USFWS
Stay tuned for our first scheduled Whooping Crane Update next week on March 5th, when we hope to bring you news from Aransas!

Preparing for the Whooping Crane Migration
While you wait for the for whooping crane migration updates to begin next week, you may want to order your map:

Order Your Tracking Map

Whooping Crane
Region Needed:
North America
Size: 30x23 or 60x47
Map #'s: 20014 or 20035
Price: $10.00 or $20.00

The First Whooping Crane Migration Update Will be Posted on March 5, 1998