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Journey North News
- Ice-Out Update: May 15, 1998
Ice-out at last in Lapland! School's out for kids in Point Hope, Alaska, but not the ice of the
Chukchi Sea.
- Ice-Out Update: May 1, 1998
From the northernmost tip of the European Union, Lapland students wait for ice-out of the River
Teno. "It's a a good-bye to winter and a welcome to summer with open arms," they say. Why can Bowhead
and Beluga whales move among the floe ice, but not Gray Whales?
- Ice-Out Update: April 17, 1998
As leads opened in the Chukchi Sea this week, a beluga whale gave itself to a boy who proved himself
a worthy hunter. Alaska's interior will soon be navigable--can you guess the exact moment? Views from space show
spring melting its way further northward.
- Ice-Out Update: April 3, 1998
The big thaw continues moving further north each day. Take a look at today's ice-out data and map
for the latest "melt down" locations. Also, an early Ice-Out has been reported today at the third of
our Official Ice-Out Observation Posts, Lake Minnetonka!
- Ice-Out Update: March 20, 1998
According to our official ice-out observers on Hudson Bay, the ice melts there in mid ______. (How
would you complete that sentence?) From the Chukchi Sea, Tikigaq School reports very unusual ice conditions this
- Ice-Out Update: March 6, 1998
Early ice-out reported from Walden Pond--a full month earlier than Thoreau ever observed! Predict
ice-out at Lake Minnetonka, MN, where records have been kept for 111 years. Does ice melt earlier in el Nino years?
How far did winter's icy grip extend this season? See today's map.
- Ice-Out Update: February 20, 1998
How will this year's ice-out date compare to the records Thoreau kept in the mid-1800's?
Place your guess in the 4th Annual Internet Ice-Out Contest for Walden Pond.
- Ice-Out Project Now Underway: February 4, 1998
Report NOW if your lakes, ponds or rivers are NOT frozen. If you still have ice, plan to let us
know when it's gone. Today's challenge: Predict when you think the ice will melt from the Chukchi Sea, as will
be reported by our official ice-out observation post at Tikigaq
- Visit the Journey North, 1997 Archives
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