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Tulip Lessons

This page provides a quick link to activities in the Journey North Online Teacher's Manual which you can do as your garden grows this year. Visit this page frequently. New links to new activities will be added as shown below. (Please Note: You must "reload" to get the most current version of this page.)

Spring Fever: Tulips, Temperatures, and the Arrival of Spring
Measuring the Heat Required for Your Tulips to Grow and Bloom

Hurrying Spring
How to Force Bulbs in Your Classroom

How Does Your Garden Grow?
Garden Growth Chart

Predicting the Arrival of Spring
Students predict when tulips will bloom at 11 selected Journey North gardens in various geographic regions.

Understanding Microclimates: A Matter of Degrees
As you decide where to plant your garden, watch out for microclimates! (Do you know a microclimate when you see one?)

Phenology Data Exchange
Using Nature's clues, can you find out where your partner school is located?

Mapping Suggestions for Fall Tulip Data
The Fall tulip data provides a good opportunity for students to practice mapping skills they will need throughout the Journey North program.