Tulip Garden Update: September 19, 1997
News Flash
Order your bulbs immediately! We have just been notified that a shortage of Red Emperor tulip bulbs is expected
this fall. Due to wet conditions in Holland, there has been a poor crop this year. Therefore, it's extremely important
that you order your tulip bulbs immediately. If you wait until later in the season, the proper bulbs may no longer
be available. Purchase the proper bulbs at a local garden store, or order from Journey North's supplier:
Netherland Bulb Company:
Substitute Colors Will be Allowed
As you know, it's important that we all use the same variety of bulbs in order for the Journey North experiment
to be valid. Red Emperor tulips are just one of the several colors available in the "Emperor" group of
tulips. Luckily, all bulbs of the Emperor variety, no matter their color, are expected to grow and bloom at the
same rate. Therefore, we will allow substitutions this year. You may use any color in the Emperor group, as long
as you are sure to plant "Emperor early-blooming tulips"!
An Opportunity to Experiment
People who purchase bulbs from Netherland Bulb Co. will receive a mixture of colors. This way, they will be able
to test whether it's true that all Emperor colors grow equally. Since you will report the FIRST tulips to emerge
and bloom next spring, if there is a fast-growing color, by having a mixture of colors you're sure to have it.
(You're also sure to have a surprise when you discover their color as they bloom next spring.)
Traveling Tulips
Our tulips will leave Rotterdam, Holland by boat this Wednesday the 24th. It will take 8 days to cross the
Atlantic Ocean, so they are expected to arrive in New York City on Thursday, October 2nd . The next day, the tulips
will be trucked to Easton, Pennsylvania--where Netherland Bulb Company will pack them up and send them to you!
Two New Lessons Now Available
These lessons were posted today in Journey North's Online Teacher's Manual
Phenology Data Exchange
Phenology is the study of seasonal changes in nature, as influenced by weather and climate. It's time to start
collecting phenology "clues" about your region. In December, you will be able to chose a mystery partner
school. Then, using Nature's clues, you'll try to discover where your partner is located.
Understanding Microclimates: A Matter of Degrees
As you decide where to plant your garden, you must look for a place that best represents the general climate of
your region. If you plant in a place that?s warmer or colder than average for your region, your tulips will not
be a true indicator of spring's arrival. Watch out for microclimates! (Do you know a microclimate when you see
one?) Be sure to read the accompanying message.
Happy Planting!
If you have any questions or comments about the Tulip Garden Study, be sure to contact us at our feedback form
The Next Tulip Garden Update Will be Posted on October 17, 1997