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Submit Your Questions
Paid subscribers only. Deadline March 6th, 1998

Ask the Expert

Meet the Manatee Expert

Meet Nancy Sadusky, Save the Manatee Club

1) Any childhood memory that was important in guiding you into your occupation?; how did you become interested in this Field?

I grew up living in the country, and I have always loved being outside. My mother knows a lot about weather and birds and plants, and I think she was the inspiration for my interest in the environment.

2) Any person, role model or leading authority that greatly influencedyou? (a parent, 6th grade teacher, scientist etc...)

I took a beginning biology course in college and had a great professor who was very enthusiastic about the topic. I have always had a strong interest in the environment.

3) Your background: (job title, profession, education/training etc...)

My college degree is actually in theater and communications (two more of my strong interests!). I've been the communications director for Save the Manatee Club for about five years. My job involves creating educational materials about manatees and working with teachers and students all across the U.S. I edit the Save the Manatee Club newsletter, and I also write press releases and public service announcements and give interviews about manatees and Save the Manatee Club for radio, TV and print media.

Photo Credit: USFWS

4) Favorite work story or experience: (One of your most exciting, memorable, or exhilarating experiences in the Field!)

The best part of my job is that occasionally I get to go out and see manatees!

5) What advice can you provide to a student who might be interested inworking in your occupation some day?

If students are interested in working with marine mammals, they might want to visit the SMC web site and go to the "Manatee Links and More" page. We have a link there to career information put together by the Society for Marine Mammology. It's a really good, comprehensive source of career info put together by professionals who are working in the field.

If you are interested in working with an environmental organization, I would also suggest reading the book, "The Complete Guide toEnvironmental Careers" produced by the CEIP Fund.

They can be reached at: The CEIP Fund68 Harrison Ave.Boston, MA 02111Phone: 617-426-4375

Also, volunteering during the summer or when you have some spare timeis a good way to get good experience. Many times, an organizationwill hire from their volunteers when a job comes open.

6) Any family members, including pets? I am the second oldest child of a family of seven. I'm married and have one dog (Dixie) and two cats (Coco and Misha).

7) Favorite book(s), Favorite food(s), Any hobbies?

My favorite foods are pasta and chocolate (not together!) and I love to get outside and go hiking whenever possible. My fantasy life involves living in a log cabin on a lake in the middle of the woods with no phone and a canoe standing by!!

I'm looking forward to working with you and answering YOUR questions about manatees.


Nancy Sadusky
Communications Director
Save the Manatee Club
500 N. Maitland Ave.Maitland, FL 327511
800-432-JOIN (5646)
Visit the Save The Manatee Club Web Site